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Your AI-Powered Relocation Companion 

A full-service app designed to assist newcomers throughout their entire journey in their new country.

Thank You!

Save Time, Money, and Peace of Mind

50 hours*

Spend less time sifting through fragmented blogs and get all the information in one place.

€ 3.250* 

Save money on fines, avoid underemployment, and prevent paying double rent.


Our thorough support makes your move smoother and less stressful.

*Based on a rough estimate

Building an
inclusive and integrated Europe.

We help integrate newcomers into society more easily, support businesses by making employee relocations smoother, and lighten the load on government offices that handle these processes.

Shape Our Future

Got ideas on how we can do better? We believe in building together, democratically.

Made with love in Berlin 🤍

Thank you to our supporters

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